A clash of kings
A clash of kings

a clash of kings

Still, the opportunity of freeing Stannis, my chosen king, is too good to pass up. First, why trust me, a guy you don't trust, with this task? Second, why free Stannis when he's the one who has kept you imprisoned all this time? He doesn't trust me enough to let me serve in his army, but asks a favor: could I please spring his brother Stannis, my past king, from prison in the Westerlands? That seems unusual. Eventually, I wind back up at Storm's End, where I run into King Renly, who has apparently escaped from prison (or perhaps was ransomed by Davos Seaworth). I head to Sunspear, capital city of Dorne, but they won't let me in, and I get captured by another Lord who also drags me around as a prisoner for a while. Sorry, guys! Enjoy prison for the remainder of the war. I finally escape, abandoning the two companions I had with me.

A clash of kings